If you have never had one, you don't know what you are missing!!!! Local delivery only!
Chocolate Mint Cheescake
New York Style Cheesecake
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake
Retail value: priceless
Minimum Bid: $15
{To bid, leave your name, e-mail address, and your bid amount IN THE COMMENT BOX. Bids should increase by $1.00 increments.}
* Adoption Auction ends Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 9:00 pm, eastern time.
Nana - terryandjackie@comcast.net - $15.00
Dora - will1046@bellsouth.net - $30
Nana - terryandjackie@comcast.net - $35.00
Dora - will1046@bellsouth.net - $38
I have heard about these cheese cakes but never got to try one !! God Bless your Adoption, klha33@yahoo.com 40.00
Nana - terryandjackie@comcast.net - $41.00
45.00 klha33@yahoo.com
Nana - terryandjackie@comcast.net $46.00
47.00 klha33@yahoo.com
Nana - terryandjackie@comcast.net - $50.00
This auction is over! Thank you for viewing!
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